Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Prezi Response

Electronic texts improve upon print in that electronic texts can be produced and shared much faster.  There is a sense of instant gratification that print cannot have because of the mechanical process it takes.  Digital spaces can also provide pictures, videos, links, and/or music with the text; print cannot make use of these functions. The print medium for the most part is very set-in-stone, and electronic texts are malleable and can change as much as desired by the author (and readers may also have the ability to change things based on the situation).  In addition, the electronic way of communicating allows much more people access to promote their thoughts, opinions, and ideas.  Because the new digital format introduces countless advantages over print, it’s inevitable the mass majority of people will accept it as the “standard.”


  1. So, for you, the sharing and distribution of the text dominates your embrace of digital technology?

  2. So, what happens to the digital technology when the lights go out?
